Having practiced criminal defense for over 30 years in Houston, Texas, and throughout the United States, we understand what’s at stake for our clients. Taking an aggressive and measured approach, we put it all on the line to ensure our client’s get the best results.
Welcome to the Law Firm
Jack B. Carroll & Associates is a full-service criminal defense firm that services Houston, TX, and the surrounding areas. We provide legal representation for people charged with everything from seemingly minor offenses to felony cases, in additional federal criminal charges.
We consistently defend individuals charged with drug crimes, drug possession, DWI charges, family violence, felony cases, white-collar crimes, weapons charges, violent crimes, assault on a family member, aggravated and simple assault cases that resulted in personal injury, and we also help people charged with minor offenses. Furthermore, we’ve served as the criminal defense attorney of record in cases involving federal criminal charges.
If the criminal defense lawyer is not a trial attorney by nature, blessed with a well-known reputation, the criminal defendant may be treated poorly.
Jack B. Carroll
Criminal Defense Attorney
Meet Attorney Jack B. Carroll
Your Texas Board Certified® Criminal Defense Lawyer
My name is Jack B. Carroll, and for the past 30 years, all I’ve done is practice criminal law. I’ve practiced criminal law mostly in Texas state courts, some in Federal Court settings. Although we’re based in Houston, TX, I’ve practiced as a criminal defense lawyer throughout Texas, New York, and many other states.
Professional History
I’m Board Certified® by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Criminal Law, scored in the top 5% on the Texas Multi-State Bar Exam, and have won cases that seemed unwinnable.
These so-called “unwinnables” include a case involving the murder of a Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy, a double intoxicated manslaughter (twice), and a 145-kilo cocaine conspiracy trial at the federal courts in Waco. After the trial, the Federal Prosecutors representing the United States told me that it was the first large drug conspiracy case they had ever lost.
Meet Attorney Attorney Phil Stephenson
A Smart, Effective Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer
My law partner Phil can research a case in an hour which would take most criminal defense lawyers half a day.
He has extensive experience providing legal representation for people charged with sex crimes and his writing skills are impeccable. He can file a Bond Reduction or a ‘Get Out of Jail’ Writ of Habeas Corpus just like that, faster than the blink of an eye. Five years ago, Phil started attending court in my stead, and I have yet to hear one complaint. When dealing with judges and prosecutors, he’s the best criminal justice lawyer in Houston that I’ve worked with.
Unlike me, Phil rarely butts heads. He interned at the Harris County District Attorney’s Office and, just like me, was rejected when applying for a full-time job as an Assistant District Attorney. Your credentials can be stellar, but if you have a middle-of-the-road mentality and have a mind of your own, you ain’t gonna fit in.
Neither of us are former prosecutors.