As the dark nights get earlier, and the air gets cooler, it can result in us feeling drained and fatigued. This lack of energy is often down to the disruption to your body’s internal clock, and a drop in Serotonin production (a mood hormone) and Melatonin production (a sleep hormone). Your exhaustion might be too much to manage your daily affairs or face challenges at work. This lack of energy, reduction in motivation, and poor sleep might be a sign that you have burned out.
Steps to help you deal with this feeling can firstly be, to identify the main trigger. Is it your job, are you stressed or going through trauma? Once you have identified the stressor it can be much easier to help you try and treat the feeling of being drained. The usual things that can help anyone feel their best self are to eat healthily, do exercise, limit drinking, talk to someone and increase your sleep.
It’s important to acknowledge that you just don’t have it today, allow yourself to take a break, and give yourself some love. Ask yourself, what do you feel like doing? It might be nothing, it could be taking a long walk, or even binging your favourite Netflix show. Even with your limited energy, taking small steps, whatever the capacity is so beneficial to nourishing yourself.
Though a massage does not directly increase your energy, it can help to reduce fatigue. It decreases symptoms that lower your energy and make you feel sluggish. Hammam and massage therapy have been shown to increase blood circulation, reduce stress, pain, and depression, and improve sleep and immunity, leading to better well-being, higher energy, and less fatigue.