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Today’s Social Media: how it affects our future…

작성자 사진: Leopard OcheltreeLeopard Ocheltree

Social media have played an important role in the development of information and communication technology over the past 20 years.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with the pace of change. As an example, social media’s impact has been greatly influenced by the development of mobile technology. The number of minutes spent online is dominated by mobile devices across the globe. In this way, they make it possible for everyone to stay connected on any device at any time, anywhere.

The reason people share information?

Consumer Insight Group conducted a fascinating study on the motivations behind sharing information on social media. To start and foster relationships and to expose brands and causes they support or like, as well as to provide valuable and entertaining content to other people.

Impact of Social Media:-

1. Political Impact of Social Media

Social media is the main source of political news for about one in five people in the U.S., according to Pew Research. Also, people who obtain their political news primarily through social media are less knowledgeable and more likely to hear unproven claims. This is unlike those who obtain their news through traditional media.

2. Societal impacts of social media

There are approximately 250 million Facebook users in the world today. This platform is used by nearly 80% of Americans online. In order to become more powerful, social networks rely on interactions between people.

3. Social media’s impact on commerce

Social media has made it rare to find companies that don’t use one social media platform or another to reach their customers and prospects. Building revenue and connecting with customers is the goal of companies using social media.

4. Using Social Media in the Workplace

Recruitment and hiring have been profoundly affected by social media. Anyone looking for a competitive edge in their profession should utilize professional social networks like LinkedIn. Creating and marketing a personal brand is possible with them.

5. Development and Training through Social Media

One Poll conducted a survey in 2020 on behalf of Pearson and Connections Academy to identify the “upcoming normal” of high school for 2,000 parents and their children. The majority of students and parents think social media will become an increasingly significant part of high school life in the next few years.

6. Social media challenges

It is difficult to determine the long-term effects of social media, since it is a relatively new technology. There is a strong correlation between excessive use of social media platforms and depression, self-harm, anxiety, and loneliness. Several researchers have found that heavy use of social media platforms increases depression, self-harm, anxiety, and loneliness.

Privacy Issues…

A social media user may be targeted by stalkers, vulnerable to identity theft, attacked personally, or have his/her information misused. Users are usually to blame for sharing content that shouldn’t be public, since they share content they shouldn’t. In some cases, confusion arises because people don’t understand how private and public elements of their online profiles actually work.

7. Relationship Impact of Social Media

It has been observed that social media is one of the causes of people forming and cherishing “social media friendships” as opposed to actual friendships. On social media, the concept of ‘friendship’ is a weak shadow of its traditional counterpart. There is a personal bond between real friends who know each other, interact face-to-face on a regular basis, and know each other well.

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