HIV (Human Immunodeficiency virus) is a blood-borne pathogen that can be transmitted through infected blood, blood, milk, or vaginal secretions. There is a lower risk of HIV infection if there is an injury to the skin, such as a needle stick, open cut or splash of blood, or any body fluids that get into the mucous membranes. This virus is not transmitted by body fluids such as tears, urine and saliva, except in cases of visible blood contamination. You may be at risk if you work as a health care worker.
You can avoid the risk by following these tips.
Tips for Health Care Workers
1. Precautions for All
You can reduce your risk of being exposed to HIV by taking universal precautions. It is best to assume that all bodily fluids and blood are infected and to use barrier devices such as gloves and goggles whenever possible.
2. Wash your hands
After contacting blood or other potentially infectious bodily fluids, you should immediately wash your hands. To prevent infection, you should flush water from the mucous membranes. Learn more about the pep treatment for HIV treatment.
3. Use Sharp Instruments with Care
Sharp instruments and needles should be handled and disposed of immediately after being used. You can prevent injury by using safety devices. It is important to know how to properly use them. Sharps disposal can lead to many injuries, including cuts and needle sticks. It is important to follow safe disposal procedures, such as labeling sharps and storing them in the correct containers.
4. Post Exposure Management
You should immediately wash any skin punctures that occur while caring for HIV patients. You should wash the mucous membranes thoroughly with water if they have been sprayed by blood or other fluid.
5. Get medical attention
You should immediately seek medical attention if you suspect you may have been exposed to infected body fluids or blood. Your doctor may recommend a tetanus booster if you have suffered a cut or puncture to the skin. You may also be prescribed anti HIV medication.
6. HIV Prevention after Exposure
Your doctor might recommend that you take certain medications to reduce your risk of contracting HIV. A bone marrow assessment may be necessary. To analyze your liver and kidney function, tests will be performed. These tests will be repeated regularly. Prophylaxis for HIV infection can be started as soon as possible after exposure. Even if you are infected, prophylaxis will help to reduce the spread of the virus and slow down the progression of HIV disease. We recommend that you see a doctor immediately if you are experiencing symptoms of HIV.
7. Follow up
For the treatment of AIDS (Acquired Impaired Syndrome), antiretroviral drugs are prescribed. To evaluate side effects and complications caused by antiretroviral drugs, it is important to continue monitoring.
You can reduce your risk of getting HIV by understanding the transmission modes and following these simple tips.
You may wish to keep your personal information private if you suspect you have HIV infection. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) protects individuals’ confidentiality. The HIV care organizations will not release any health information, including HIV status. If you are interested in learning more about post-exposure prophylaxis, please follow the link.