Back in the 2012 CrossFit games, the final event for the teams was aptly named “The Girls” because each member of the team did one of the original “Girl” workouts, named after a female. The reason why they were named after a female is because they were the only thing that could leave you laying on you back thinking “what the F just happened?”
The workouts/team members went in this order, and it was a winner take all format:
Workout #1: Elizabeth (Female 1)
Cleans 135/95#
Ring Dips
Workout #2: Fran (Female 2)
Thrusters 95/65#
Pull Ups
Workout #3: Isabel (Female 3)
30 Snatches For Time
Workout #4: Grade (Male 1)
30 Clean and Jerks For Time
Workout #5: Diane (Male 2)
Deadlifts 225/155#
Handstand Push Ups
Workout #6: Karen (Male 3)
150 Wall Balls For Time
So what did I do? Naturally I put them all together and did them all as one. Check out the video of Dom and I sending it below!
– JB