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Tactical Athletic Performance Program Week 1

작성자 사진: Leopard OcheltreeLeopard Ocheltree

Day 2Objective: Upper Pull Strength + Work CapacityExerciseSets/RepsNotesWarm-Up3 RoundsA1.TK Band Face Pullsx10A2.Single Arm Ring Rowx5ea.A3.Side Plankx:15ea.On PalmPowerB.SA DB Hang Power Snatch4x3eaC.Alt. DB Push Press4x4ea.Strength/LiftD.Pendlay Row4×5E.Chin-Up4×5-8WeightedF.Single Arm Pulldown4x8ea.Capacity7:00 AMRAPWeight = Users Choice50m DB Single Arm Carry (Right)10 Alt SA Overhead Reverse Lunge (Right)50m DB Single Arm Carry (Left)10 Alt SA Overhead Reverse Lunge (Left)

Day 3Objective: Active RecoveryExerciseSets/RepsNotesWarm-Up3 SetsA1.Knee Hug to Reverse Lungex5eaAlternatingA2.Alternate Groinersx5eaPush-Up Position, Foot to HandA3.Roll to Seated Vx5Recovery Cardio10:00 – Your Choice ModalityMobility/FlexibilitySaddle Stretch1:00Seal Pose:30Childs Pose1:00Assisted Squat Hold:30Wall – Soleus Stretch:30 eachFigure 41:00 each

Day 4Objective: Lower Volume + Capacity (Repeat Power)ExerciseSets/RepsNotesWarm-Up3 RoundsA1.KB RDLx6A2.KB 2-Way Lungex3ea.A3.Quadruped Crawlsx10ydsStrength/LiftB.1 1/4 Front Squat4×5C.Staggered Stance DB RDL3x7ea.D1.Goblet Squat3×15D2.Prone Band Hamstring Curls3×15On BenchCapacity6 Rounds:30 Ski Erg (For Calories)50m Shuttle Sprint (25 and Back)Rest 1:00

Day 5Objective: Movement + Upper Push (Time Under Tension)ExerciseSets/RepsNotesWarm-UpA1.Tall Plank Shoulder Taps3x8ea.A2.Divebomber Push-Ups3×54s DownA3.Supermans3×81s SqueezeMovementB.Shuffle to Stop2x5yds eaShuffle and Decelerate @ 5ydsC.Shuffle to Sprint Returnx3ea.Shuffle Out 5yds, Stick and Sprint Back to StartStrength/LiftD.BB Close Grip Bench3×4-63s Down, 2s PauseE.DB NG Decline Push-Ups3×63s PauseF1.Low Anchor Band Chest Fly3×10F2.Seated DB Lateral Raises3×10Optional CapacityAccumulate 2 Miles3:00 ON @ Moderate-Fast Pace1:00 Walk Rest (Does not apply to distance)

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1 Comment

Cody Krofft
Cody Krofft
Nov 22, 2022


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