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Hey Everyone-
Been getting a done of inquiries about sample programming from Bridges Physical Programming. Check out how I think about programming and view a few sample days! When you join, you get access to all three tracks! Which means if you like what you see in another track, feel free to hit it!
Military + LEO
This track is all about preparing you for the demands of being on the front line, and what it takes to get there. For those heading to Basic Training, trying to pass a big test, or are already serving, this program will prepare you. If you are a crossfitter that wants to vary up what you do, this will serve you as well. Time to Pay The Man! 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off format.
Sample Day 1
Front squat 6×3@ 80%
8 min amrap
2 rope climbs 15’
20 burpees
Rest 2 min
8 min amrap
20/15 cal bike
20 goblet squat 70#/53# kB
Not for time-
5 sets
6-8 weighted pull ups
30 sit-ups
20 lunge steps
Sample Day 2
Warm up
200 kick
200 swim
200 pull
200 swim
Rest 15 sec
4×100 on 2 min
200 swim
8×50 on min
200 swim
16×25 on 40 sec
200 swim
Tread water for 8 min
6×3@ 80%
Then: 10 min on min
5 squat snatch plus 4 barfacing burpee each min
Pick a weight that is heavy but you should be able to complete this within the minute
Sample Day 3
50 bench press at body weight plus 15#’s/10’s#
Every time you break run 400 meters
3 sets rest 3 min between sets
50 du
30 ghd
20 sand bag cleans 150#/100#
8 sets of sled push 50’ Heavy
Rest 1 min between each push
This is for those that want to compete in the sport of fitness. It has multiple sessions a day, swimming, programming that will test your mental fortitude, and help you improve your weightlifting, gymnastic, and aerobic capacity. We will swim and get outside of the gym. Time to Pay The Man! 1 rest day per week + 1 active recovery day per week.
Sample Day 1
Power clean and jerk on min adding 10# till failure
Start at 185/115
9 power cleans 275/185
12 power cleans 225/155
16 power cleans 185/135
25 power cleans 135/95
Scale as needed
8 sets
On the min
A. 18/14 cal bike
B. 10 lunges front racked 155/105
C. 20 ghd
So should taken 24 min (A-B-C-A-B-C..etc)
Sample Day 2
50 cal row
40 wall balls 25#/16# (not a wussy, not a hero)
30 box step overs 20″ 55#/40# dumbbells
20/15 muscle ups
10 manmakers 55# db/40#
Rest 10 min
10 manmakers
20/15 muscle ups
30 box step overs 20″ 55#/40#
40 wall balls 25#/16#
50 cal row
If you dont own those wall balls, 20/14#
Power snatch
6×3 building to heavy triple. Does not have to be touch and go.
Snatch pulls
5×3 @ 95%
Sample Day 3
20 min amrap
10 cal bike
160′ sled push with 2 reds/blues
You go then your partner goes
20 cal bike
160′ sled push 4 reds/blues
You go then your partner goes
30 cal bike
160′ sled push 6 reds/blues
Start over at 10 cals once you finish the round of 30 cals, keep doing this for 20 min.
Rest 10 min
If no partner 1:1 rest to work
20 min amrap
20 cal ski
5 tire flips (sub Heavy Hang Power Cleans)
30 cal ski
10 tire flips
40 cal sk
15 tire flips
Then start at 20/5 again
Back squat work up to heavy single
80%x3 on the min for 5 min
For those that have limited time and equipment, I try to keep the programming under 1hour, closer to 45 minutes. No excuse not to Pay The Man!
Sample Day 1
For time:
4 Rounds:
400 M run
200 m farmers carry (Heaviest weight you can muster)
30 sit ups
Sample Day 2
EMOM 24 (Each Station 8 times):
1. 20 Push ups
2. 30 air squats
3. :40 Hollow Hold
Then, DU Practice
Accumulate 100 good reps, or 4 UB sets of 50
Sample Day 3
Push Press :
Every minute for 10 minutes (10 sets):
3 reps at 50%
3 reps at 60%
3 reps at 65%
3 reps at 70%
2 reps at 75%
2 reps at 80%
1 rep at 85%
1 rep at 90%
6 reps at 70%
6 reps at 75%
Power Snatch 115/75 (Barbell or DB)
Burpees over bar
Go Hard
Rest 5 minutes
Then Repeat!