Physical Program
Feb 25-Mar 03

Hope everyone is feeling ok after hitting Open workout 19.1! Definitely a brutal leg workout for sure. Military/LEO folks will be hitting it this Monday, so you can submit scores. Anyone else that needs to re-test it or hit it on Monday by all means give it hell!
Monday Feb 25th Military
3 miles
Rest, then-
CFG Open 19.1
15 min amrap
19 wall balls
19 cal row
Pick a weight that it starts to get tough on the 3rd and 4th set
Between each set do 30 situps
Monday Feb 25th Comp
Ski erg intervals
Rest 1:1 or go with a partner and go back and forth
Box squats
10×2 @90-93%
Rest 60 sec max between sets
60 cal bike
30 strict hspu 5 deficit/2″ defecit for women
15 strict mu/10 Strict MU for women
Rest 10 min
60 cal bike/ 45 cal bike for women
30 kipping hspu 5″ deficit
15 muscle ups/10 muscle ups for women
5 sets not for time
15 Weighted back extensions
(Last rep hold at top for max time or 30 sec which ever comes first )
10 Strict pull ups (last reps hold at top for max time or 30 sec whichever comes first)
Monday Feb 25th Fitness
Warm up:
5 Rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
Run 200 M
Work to heavy double
Then 4 sets of 2 @ 80% of heavy double
If no barbell but have DB’s
4 sets of 2 with 4 second lower, 3 second hold, 4 second up, 1 second pause at top.
Deadlift at 135/95 (Use DB if no Barbell)
Burpee over bar
Tuesday Feb 26th Military
Warm up
10×50 on min
300 kick
100 rest 15 sec
200 rest 30 sec
300 rest 45 sec
400 rest 1 min
500 rest 1:30
Cool down with easy 200
Tread water for 8 min
6×3 @80%
Snatch pulls
5×3 @90%
Strict press
5×5 @70-75%
50 db snatch for time
100# db/ 70# db
Tuesday Feb 26th Comp
100 burpee muscle ups with vest
8 sets
50′ sled push
(7 reds on dog sled)
1 leggless rope climb
Rest 10 min
10 sets
20 cal sprint every 2 min
Go hard
Tuesday Feb 26th Fitness
Strict Press
3 strict press** at 75%
** 10 hollow rocks between sets
600m Run
Rest 2 minute
400m Run
Rest 1:30
200m Run
Rest 1 minute
100m run
rest 3 minutes
400m sprint all out
Wednesday Feb 27th Military
Overhead squat
6 sets of 4 reps@ 75-77%
Gut check of the week
300/225 cal assault bike goal
3 min rds no rest between rds
1st rd
2 burpee pull ups
2 kb goblet squats 70#/53# kb
Max cals remaining 3 min
2nd rd
4 burpee pull ups
4 goblet squat
Max cals assAult bike remaining time
6 burpee pull up
6 goblet squat
Max cals remaining time ……and so on until you get 300 cals or you cant finish the required burpee pull ups and goblet squats in the 3 min.
You can see we hit this on my YouTube Channel!
Finish off with a 5 min chest hold with a 100#/70# sandbag or dball
Wednesday Feb 27th Comp
6×3 80-85
Snatch pulls
5×3 90-100%
10×100 on 1:30
4×400 rest 1:30 between
2 rds
1k row
100′ hsw
500 meter row
50′ hsw
Strict press
Rest 60 sec between sets
Single arm dumbbell press
4 sets not for time
20 lat pull downs 110#
10 strict dips weighted 90#
Wednesday Feb 27th Fitness
EMOM 40:
1. 15 Air Squats
2. 10 Hang Clean and Jerks (Barbell would be 95/65, or 50#/35# DB 5 per side, or KB)
3. :40 Plank
4. 15 Push Ups
Thursday Feb 28th Military
Rest Day
Thursday Feb 28th Comp
Clean and jerk
6×3 80%
Clean pulls
5×3 90-110%
10 min on the min
10 cal bike
5 deads 315/225 for women
10 sets back and forth with partner
10 strict pull ups
8×3 box squats go at 80% on the min
3 rds
30 snatch 75# barbell/55# barbell for women
30 ghd sit-ups
Thursday Feb 28th Fitness
Rest Day
Friday Mar 1st Military
2 sets
3 rds
100meter sprint
100 meter walk
100 meter sprint
100 meter walk
No rest between rds 3 min rest between sets
3 rds
4 rope climbs 15’
8 power cleans 185/135
3 sets
50 sit-ups
50 push ups
Friday Mar 1st Comp
Power cleans
5 on the min for 10 min at 225/155 for women
Last min go for max reps
Partner workout
80 bench 185/135 for women
80 stones 175/115 for women
200 ghd
14 peg boards (Scale is 3 chin ups per 1 pb)
140 cals
You both have to do half the numbers but once you get to your number of reps you can move forward and only one person can go at a time on your exercise. So it gets competitive on who can do the bigger sets
Friday Mar 1st Fitness
3×6 @ 75%
3 second lower from hips on each rep, dead stop between lifts.
If no barbell, hang from a pull up bar, or lay flat on the ground, and do 3 sets of 15 Hamstring curls with a weight between your feet, or use a band to add resistance.
5 Burpees
10 Jumping Lunge
15 Snatch (DB or KB snatch if no barbell)
95/65 #
Saturday Mar 2nd Military
5 rds
100’ sled push
100’ Lunge with 55# db at side/40# db
10 devil press 55#/ 40#
Rest 15 min
4×10 @66-72%
Rest 15 min
For time
30 burpee get overs 42”/30″
Saturday Mar 2nd Comp
40 ctb pull ups
30 hspu
20 snatch 175/115 for women
30 hspu
40 ctb pull ups
Power snatch
Swim a mile
Saturday Mar 2nd Fitness
Run 5 miles
Every 4 minutes:
20 Russian Twists
20 V-Ups
Sunday Mar 3rd Military
Rest Day
Sunday Mar 3rd Comp
Rest Day
Sunday Mar 3rd Fitness
Rest Day