Physical Program
Feb 18-24

Hey everyone,
Hope you guys are ready to rock and roll this week. Sorry I haven’t been more active on the comments, I was preparing for my knee surgery. Now that I am on the other side, I am going to try and be more active on the blog, just need to recover for a few days!
Monday Feb 18th Military
1200 meters rest 4 min
This is continuous no extra rest
10×300 (150 hard 100 jog 50 walk)
Rest 4 min after 10th set
Run 1200 meters
Full Clean plus front squat @80% of 95% of 1 rm
On the 1:30
2+2 (2 Cleans + 2 Front Squats)
1+3 (1 clean + 3 Front Squats)
100 sit-ups anchored
Every time you stop or have to pause for more then 2 seconds
Roll over and do 20 push ups
Right into
50 box step overs24” holding 50# dumbbells
Monday Feb 18th Comp
Rest Day
Monday Feb 18th Fitness
EMOM 15:
1. :40 Hollow Hold
2. 16 Reverse Lunges with a DB or KB in Goblet Position
3. :30 Superman Hold (Arch Hold)
Amrap 20
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
Tuesday Feb 19th Military
Start of a progression
Overhead squat
Work up and these should be relatively easy maybe the last set gets tough
5 rds for time
20 cal row
10 shoulder to over head 165
10 strict pull ups
Lay flat on back Hold feet off ground 6” and accumulate 9 min
Tuesday Feb 19th Comp
20 min Amrap
20 strict hspu
20 lunges in place
20 hand release push ups
20 air squats
Run 8 hill sprints About 45 sec hills
Walk down is rest
4 sets of 10 @225 (or something challenging but Unbroken)
Rest 2 min between
Power cleans
4 sets of 10 NOT touch and go
rest 2 min between sets
Tuesday Feb 19th Fitness
Warm Up:
Figure 4 Walk
Zombie Walk
Walk on tip toes/heels
Walk on Inside and then outside of feet
Bear Crawl with hips low
Bear Crawl with hips high
Run 3 miles
Every 3 minutes perform:
15 Burpees.
Goal is to finish this in under 40 minutes!
Wednesday Feb 20th Military
Warm up
100 swim
100 kick
100 pull
100 kick
100 pull
500 meters
Rest 2 min
500 meters
Rest 1:30 min
500 meters
Tread water for 10 min
100’ sled push moderat weight
10 deads 275
100’ sled push
10 deads 315
100 sledpush
10 deads 365
Rest 5 min
100 sled push
10 deads 365
100’ sled push
10 deads 315
100’ sled push
10 deads 275
Strict pull ups Do this as fast as you can go unbroken
Wednesday Feb 20th Comp
3 sets rest 1:1
300 meter row
50 double unders
7 muscle ups
Back squat work up to a heavy
6 min on the min
5 back squats @ 80% of max rep
Every 1 min 30 sec
3 full snatch (not touch and go)
135 adding 10# until you get to your top triple and 6 sets at that top weight
10 rds
1:2 work to rest
Assault bike- 15 Cal Sprint
Wednesday Feb 20th Fitness
Back Squats (If you have Dumbells, hold them in front rack towards the back, same with KBs)
4 sets of 6 reps @ 43X1 tempo.
4 second lower, 3 second hold, stand up, 1 second at top. Work to a challening weight for this.
Air Squats
DB Push Press
Mountain Climbers
Thursday Feb 21st Military
Rest Day
Thursday Feb 21st Comp
Wasn’t able to hit this at Chrsitmas time so felt the need to do it recently, figured I’d let you guys have at it!
12 days workout perform like the song (1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, etc)
1 200 meter row
2 deads 365
3 man makers 55#
4 burpee box jumps overs30″
5 muscle ups
6 60′ hsw
7 toes to bar
8 thruster 115
9 90 double unders
10 power snatch 115
11 cal bike
12 rope climbs 15′
Thursday Feb 21st Fitness
Rest Day
Friday Feb 22nd Military
1 mile run
50 burpee pull ups
1 mile run
7 min amrap
Thruster 95#
Kettle bell swim 53#
So on this you start clock and do the 21-15-9 rep scheme on this and once you finish 9 kbs you start back over at 21 and keep going through 21-15-9 for as many times as you can in 7 min
4 sets not for time
20 Strict dips
20 sit-ups
10 single arm right armDumbbell press you pick weight
10 left arm
Friday Feb 22nd Comp
15 min Amrap
21 pull ups
15 cal row
9 ohs 155
Power snatch
6×3 @80%
Power clean
6×3 @80%
Friday Feb 22nd Fitness
Double Unders
AbMat Sit Ups
Directly into
KB Swings (DB Swings work too)
Box Jumps (Step Down)
Saturday Feb 23rd Military
Oly session
6×3 snatch
Snatch deadlift
6×3 @ 100% Of 1 rm
75 sandbag cleans 150#
On the min do 5 burpees
Remaining time do as many sandbag cleans as possible keep going till you get 75 sandbag cleans
Rest 5 min
150 wall balls 20# ball
On the min do 3 manmakers 55# dumbbells, remaining time do wall balls until you hit 150!
Saturday Feb 23rd Comp
3 rds
21 cal bike
21 deads 275
21 bar facing burpee
7 rds
250 row
7 thrusters 155
Saturday Feb 23rd Fitness
Strict Press
E2MOM for 12 Minutes
3 Strict press building to a heavy triple.
If you do not have a barbell, use DBs or KBs, if they arent heavy, work at a tempo of a 3 second lower, 1 second pause at shoulders, 3 second press, 1 second hold at top. Do a triple each time.
Modified JT
Push Ups with 4″ defecit (on plates, books, whatever it is to get you a deficit)
Regular Push Ups
Sunday Feb 24th Military
Rest Day
Sunday Feb 24th Comp
2 Power cleans and 1 jerk on the min
Start at 70% of your jerk weight and go up by 10#s every 5 min until failure (so you do 5 sets at each weight then on min 6 go up 10 #’s and do 5 sets there and so on.)
20 rds
2 leggless rope climbs
10 strict hspu
Sunday Feb 24th Fitness
Rest Day