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Josh Bridges: Favorite Kitchen Appliance For Meal Prep

Meal prepping can be a pain in the ass. When you have the kids running around, Sunday football, want to relax before heading back to work, errands to run, etc. I get it – that is why I try to keep things as efficient as possible. Introducing the InstaPot. 

The InstaPot is like a slow cooker, but much faster due to the crazy amount of pressure. Below are some of the best ways to meal prep in it to make it a breeze to set you up for success.

Protein – Easy Chicken Recipe

Need protein? Grab a thing of chicken thighs or even chicken breast, toss in some apple cider vinegar, stock, spices, a healthier BBQ sauce, and chicken, and hit poultry. You’ll have pulled chicken in 40 minutes or less.

Carbs – Rice

Rinse the rice, toss in a few cups in the InstaPot, some salt, and pour water until you have a little less than a thumbnail more of water. Toss it in the Instapot and hit rice. You will have rice in about 15 minutes.

Carbs – Mashed Sweet Potato

To add some variety to your carb sources, clean some sweet potatoes off, and then cube them up, toss them in the instant pot and set the timer for 12 minutes. They will be ready to be mashed afterwards easily.

Fats? Add Olive Oil 

Keep it super simple, add some frozen veggies that you heated up and toss some pepper on them, a little drizzle of olive oil, and you will be eating great macro friendly meals all week.

– JB

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