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작성자 사진Leopard Ocheltree

Home Workout Anyone Can Do During Quarantine 2020

I said it before and I will say it again, keep the gym and your equipment clean, especially during quarantine! Read below –

Tips to keep your workout place clean:

Although it is tedious, make sure to clean the entire gym, wash your hands, and then after working out, clean the whole gym again. If you are working out with someone else, keep a little distance between the two of you, as sweat and spit will for sure be flying around.

Alright, I will get off of my pedestal and deliver the free workout:


50 Dumbbell Lunge Steps (50/35 DB) Only one DB

40 DB Snatch (alternating)

60 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″

40 DB Snatch (alternating)

50 Dumbbell Lunge Steps (50/35 DB) Only one DB

IF YOU HAVE NO WEIGHTS – Lunge without them, replace DB Snatch with HSPU, and Replace box with jumping over the DB.

After you are done with the Metcon piece:

Strict Pull Up Ladder 


Rest 1:1 between sets!

If you don’t have a pull up bar, use a door that is sturdy, or a tree branch, or whatever will safely support your weight! 

– JB

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