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With all these Sanctionals kicking off the season for the sport of CrossFit, I wanted to recap my thoughts on the events.
First off, shoutout to the Good Dude Dan Bailey for getting back out there and giving it hell after his surgery. It takes a lot of guts to get back out on the floor, when you may not be at 100% just yet. Also an event win for him was awesome to see! That old dog still has it.
Event 1: Ski 1000/700m and every 2:00 Handstand Walk about 60 feet. Loved the simplicity of this. I do a lot of shoulder fatigue work, so it was cool to see this in an event. Send it on the ski? Gamble breaking the handstand walk. Go too slow on ski erg? Have to walk on your hands again and lose a ton of time.
Event 2: 21-15-9 Bar Muscle Ups and Back Squat. Another simple couplet, with a classic rep scheme. I’d have loved to see this as a front squat, but with a majority of competition workouts usually being more taxing on the quads, it was probably for the best it was back squat. The smoother and more efficient you were on the Bar Muscle Ups here, the longer you could hang on. It was smarter to stay longer and use that hip energy, from a long slower kip, instead of a fast BMU, which is more taxing on the grip. Kudos to the guys who went UB.
Event 3: 1RM snatch. Not my cup of tea, but you know you’ve gotta send it. Some boys were moving some wild weight!
Event 4: 3 Rounds of 2 UB Rope climbs and 400m run, finishing with 2 more UB rope climbs. This was a wet one outside, which made it very hard to hold onto the ropes. It’s too bad that the rain had to become a factor, but what a weird and challenging new movement. Having to hold on to an L-sit at the bottom of the rope and go back up was impressive. I am going to have to try some of those out. Shoutout to Justin Medeiros for running his race and then making some big passes on the way to one of the top places in that event.
Event 5: 160 DU, (Lunges, Alternating thrusters)x2, lunges, 160 DU. This one showed who moves efficiently on the DU and the Thrusters. Lunges can always be managed, but if you lack the proper mobility to move a thruster efficiently, this will be a lot more challenging than necessary. Another event I’d like to give a go, as it is one you can turn the pace up at the end but don’t want to come out too hot.
TREK/RUN: Biking and running – what’s not to love? Love seeing road biking in comps other than the games. You need to stay with the pack on the bike, and rely on your running ability to break away when the lungs are pumping and the quads are full. Make sure you mentally stay positive in a workout like this!
Sandbag Event – Check my YouTube to see me take this one on!
Alright, that’s all I got for the Filthy 150. Overall great event, heard it was run very well, and the athletes loved it. Ireland – nice job!